Python Changelog
CoDrone EDU Python Library Changelog
Version 2.2
March 10, 2025
Improvements ⬆️
- Improved error-handling for controller screen functions.
- Improved performance of send_absolute_position(), move_forward(), move_backward(), move_left(), and move_right().
- get_colors(), get_front_color(), and get_back_color() return values in all lowercase.
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fixed unexpected movement of send_absolute_position() after turning the drone.
Version 2.1
January 6, 2025
New Features ✨
- New function get_raw_motion_data() implemented
Improvements ⬆️
- Reversed the parameters in the turn() function so that power (direction) comes first before duration (in seconds)
- Addressed cases where get_control_speed() did not return updated values
- Added library functionality to improve color calibration
- Added library functionality to properly detect disconnections of the programming software to the drone or controller
- Addressed cases where controller_draw_image() missed pixels while drawing
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Corrected the turning direction in the turn() function to handle positive and negative values correctly.
Version 2.0
November 7, 2024
New Features ✨
- added get_movement_state()
- added get_count_data()
- added get_address_data()
- added get_information_data()
- get_error_data() now includes state data in addition to sensor data
- controller_preview_canvas() no longer contains image parameter
Improvements ⬆️
- improved error handling messages for the user
- print_move_values() was renamed to get_move_values() which can be printed as needed
- renamed reset_sensor() -> reset_gyro() and increased delay to ensure reset
- renamed reset_move() -> reset_move_values()
- renamed get_temperature() -> get_drone_temperature()
- renamed get_flow_x() -> get_flow_velocity_x()
- renamed get_flow_y() -> get_flow_velocity_y()
- renamed get_x_accel() -> get_accel_x()
- renamed get_x_accel() -> get_accel_y()
- renamed get_x_accel() -> get_accel_z()
- renamed get_x_angle() -> get_angle_x()
- renamed get_x_angle() -> get_angle_y()
- renamed get_x_angle() -> get_angle_z()
- renamed load_classifier() -> load_color_data()
- all controller screen draw functions have an image parameter (functions not compatible with JROTC ed.)
- send_absolute_position(), move_forward(), move_backward(), move_left(), and move_right() have been improved for testing
- get_image_data() is now a Drone class method (ex. drone.get_image_data())
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fixed the pkg_resources error for versions of Python greater than 3.11
- fixed set_trim() and reset_trim() delays to work with CoDrone EDU (JROTC ed.)
- fixed an issue that appeared when calibrating only 3 colors using the KNN model
- corrected the index value for get_flow_velocity_y()
Version 1.9
October 8, 2023
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fixed a bug in returning controller button press data for the custom controller lesson
Version 1.8
April 15, 2023
New Features ✨
- added get_sensor_data()
Improvements ⬆️
- Removed pynput dependency
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fixed bug where sensor requests would return 0 right after takeoff
Version 1.7
February 16, 2023
New Features ✨
- added start_controller_buzzer()
- added stop_controller_buzzer()
- added get_error_data()
Improvements ⬆️
- renamed get_x_gyro() -> get_angular_speed_x()
- renamed get_y_gyro() -> get_angular_speed_y()
- renamed get_z_gyro() -> get_angular_speed_z()
- codrone-edu library version prints to console
Version 1.6
December 28, 2022
New Features ✨
- added start_drone_buzzer()
- added stop_drone_buzzer()
- added get_temperature()
- added move_forward()
- added move_left()
- added move_right()
- added move_backward()
Improvements ⬆️
- updated send_absolute_position()
Version 1.5
November 14, 2022
New Features ✨
- added stop_motors()
- added reset_sensor()
Improvements ⬆️
- avoid wall default unit changed from mm to cm
- get_pressure() and get_drone_temp() have been modified
Version 1.4
August 17, 2022
New Features ✨
- added error checking to load_classifier() method
- added height_from_pressure()
- Virtual ceiling method integrated
Improvements ⬆️
- Changed yaw directional values (positive yaw now turns left)
Version 1.3
June 27, 2022
New Features ✨
- added go()
- added 'ESC' key kill switch
- waypoints now support multiple takeoffs
- Motor diagnostic integrated as motor_test()
- Added virtual ceiling to the background of the drone class
- added turn()
Improvements ⬆️
- turn_degree() method improved
Version 1.2
June 10, 2022
New Features ✨
- Added move() command with input parameters
- Added hyperlink to "drone may not be paired" message.
- Added floor test as a method test_floor()
- Added a motor test that uses all 4 motors individually to determine if one is faulty. motor_test()
- Added waypoint system
- Added joystick and button functions
Version 1.1
May 17, 2022
Improvements ⬆️
- removed serial library
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fixed screen error on controller
Version 1.0
May 17, 2022
New Features ✨
- Speed defaults to 2 when starting a program
- Added speed_change() and get_control_speed() functions
- Pillow library added as dependency
- Added error message if serial library is not detected
- Added error handling when calling load_classifier()
Version 0.9
May 17, 2022
New Features ✨
- Added Swarm class
Version 0.8
Mar 1, 2022
New Features ✨
- Added movement as a state in the state list
- Added temperature_convert()
Version 0.7
Feb 18, 2022
New Features ✨
- Added luminosity to for a fourth data point
- Added controller screen drawing functions
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fixed turn_degree() to be absolute and smoother and turn 180 degrees
- Fixed turn_right()
- Fixed turn_left()
Version 0.6
Feb 4, 2022
New Features ✨
- Added and fixed sendMotor
- Added and fixed sendMotorSingle
- Added buzzer flip warning when battery is less than 50%
- convert_meter can now return meter
- Added drone.append_color_data() - appends data to an existing text file
- Added error handling when load_classifier is empty
Improvements ⬆️
- drone.get_flow_x, y converted from m to cm
- All distance sensors now return in centimeter by default
- drone.turn_degree() is now absolute and division by 0 is fixed
- drone.get_height() now uses time of flight instead of barometer
- Updated set_trim() to only change roll and pitch
- Updated get_trim_data() to return only roll and pitch
- Changed dir variable in add_color()
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fixed all functions effected by centimeter being returned by default
- Fixed buzzer functions
- Fixed drone.avoid_wall()
- Fixed issue when adding to a dataset that already exists
Version 0.5
Jan 10, 2022
New Features ✨
- Added drone.flip()
- Added convert_millimeter() and convert_meter() to return centimeter by default for all positional functions
- Added error handling in the color classifier
- Added docstrings
Version 0.4
Dec 15, 2021
New Features ✨
- Added drone.get_drone_temp()
- Added drone.get_pressure()
- Added drone.drone_buzzer()
- Added drone.controller_buzzer()
- Added drone.set_trim()
- Added drone.get_height()
- Added drone.get_pressure()
- Added the flight sequences square, triangle, spiral, and sway.
Improvements ⬆️
- Improved takeoff command
- Improved port connection
Version 0.3
Nov 23, 2021
New Features ✨
- Added drone.avoid_wall() - Obstacle avoidance command. is similar to zumi.forward_avoid_collision()
- Added drone.detect_wall() - Uses front range sensor to detect a wall
- Added drone.keep_distance() - Keep distance command makes the drone maintain a distance to an obstacle
- Added drone.turn_left() - Can be given a degree and the drone will turn to the left
- Added drone.turn_right() - Can be given a degree and the drone will turn to the right
- Added drone.turn_degrees() - Can take an absolute degree command and will turn to that degree.
- Added drone.hover() - Will make the drone hover.
- Added reset_YPRT() - Resets the yaw pitch roll and throttle and sends the command to the drone.
- Added drone.keep_height() - Keep height command. A single command that is looped.
- Added get_colors() - returns a list [1, 2]
- Added get_front_color() - gets first color in get_colors() list
- Added get_back_color() - gets second color in get_colors() list
- Added predict_color() - predicts a color if you have trained the model and there is an existing file
- Finished basic LEDs
Version 0.1 - 0.2
Oct 10, 2021
New Features ✨
- Added Drone.acceleration_x, y, z
- Added Drone.angle_roll, yaw, pitch
- Added Drone.range_front()
- Added Drone.range_bottom()
- Added Drone.get_battery()
- Added
- Added Drone.takeoff()
- Added